Thursday, January 12, 2012

Some compiler options to improve computing performance in VB.NET

I often see that some people claims that VB is slower than C#. I have talked with different people and searched information to confirm whether it is true. This could be untrue but my conclusion so far is that there's no fundamental difference in between two language types within .NET Framework. Then why the programmers complains that VB is slower. It seems that the default compiler options set by the IDE (Visual Studio) is more conservative for VB than C#. As I can easily forget such valauable information, I decide to write the information in the blog.

In VS2010,

1. Compiler Options under Compiler Page

Set "Option Strict" = On

2. Advanced Compiler Settings within the Compiler Options under Compiler Page

Give a check for "Remove integer overflow checks"
Give a check for "Enable optimizations"
Set On for "Generate serialization assembles" --> I was told this is good for WPF XAML performance

If anyone has an ojection or has an opinion, please leave your note, so that I can learn from it.

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